
Castle Seasons 1-4

"When a psychopath commits murders based on novelist Castle's books, Detective Beckett seeks his help to solve the case. He decides to work with her and uses his experiences as research for his novels." - IMDB   Castle was one of my favorite shows of all time during high school. Nathan Fillion has been such a constant face in my life. Returning to the best seasons of Castle was quite nostalgic and a fun blast from the past. Season 1 was a such a solid start. We were introduced to Castle & Beckett, portrayed by the amazing Nathan Fillion & Stana Katic. When I was younger, obviously I shipped them, but I did not realize just how deep their on screen chemistry actually was. Caskett is so flirting with each other on day 0. I don’t know, I just don’t remember these 2 being this ON with each other so soon, and I watched these seasons at least 5 times in high school. Maybe because it’s been so long since I’ve watched, but yeah.... they are definitely the highlight of the...

HAV PHOTOS - January Selections

Some bouts of family portraiture.  Follow HAV Media! ( literally every link ever )

Spirited Away (2001)

"During her family's move to the suburbs, a sullen 10-year-old girl wanders into a world ruled by gods, witches and spirits, and where humans are changed into beasts." - IMDB I have mentioned Spirited Away before, but now it's time to deep dive and talk about everything that makes it one of my favorite films of all time. The Music The music. Nothing more can be said about the music other than it is perfection. This soundtrack is what made me want to play piano (haven't really gotten too far but it’s still a goal of mine). Nothing is as emotional as the orchestral version of Always With Me. There’s no song more haunting and melancholier as the 6th Stop theme. And there’s nothing that hits me more than One Summer's Day. All masterpieces. This is literally the best soundtrack Ghibli has every released.  Chihiro I love Chihiro and resonate with her very much. This girl was able to find such bravery and strength within her in such an unfamiliar world and I admire ...

HAV PHOTOS - December Selections

In college, I took a black and white film photography class. Boy oh boy film surely made me appreciate the ease of digital photography. Though I am very proud of some of the photographs I took during this time. Black and white is such a vibe on its own.   Follow HAV Media! ( literally every link ever )


As a celebration of 4 years of this blog, thought I'd introduce a new blog series! Hollis Films has hosted my blog where I write about my experience of every show & movie I need to talk about - the Friendly Fangirl Podcast is basically an extension of this. HAV Movies hosts my Portfolio YouTube page - as editing is my career goal. However, I currently do not have any outlet for my photography. I was 2 classes away from a Photography certificate. I wasn't really going for it, but it was an opportunity to get into casual photography. I have since taken and edited hundreds of photos and I'd really like to show off my work. I'll go ahead and brag - I've taken some pretty awesome shots 🤣 So here is the first chapter. I have also launched the HAV Media Instagram page - be sure to follow that!  Follow HAV Media! ( literally every link ever )