Peter Pan (2003)
"The Darling family children receive a visit from Peter Pan, who takes them to Never Never Land where an ongoing war with the evil Pirate Captain Hook is taking place." - IMDB Synopsis Peter Pan's story was always about how growing up doesn't mean you have to "grow up," and that you should always be ready for an adventure. Life has this way of taking away innocence and fun, and Peter Pan is always a symbol to never let that part go as you transition to adulthood. Yes, there are life responsibilities to take care of, but those responsibilities shouldn't get in the way of having fun or being imaginative. As this film stays true to the original story's morals, it also expands on other issues, such as social status and the role of women in Victorian times. We really get a deeper look into Mr. Darling's struggle to rise up the social ladder amongst his peers. And the character of Aunt Millicent is there to stress the need of Wendy to grow up to be a p...