Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire (2005)
"Harry Potter finds himself competing in a hazardous tournament between rival schools of magic, but he is distracted by recurring nightmares." - IMDB When it comes to these movies, I don't usually compare to the books that much. Most of the Harry Potter films aren't too bad at being good adaptions while also being good stand alone films. But when it comes to Goblet of Fire, I prefer the book way too much to fully enjoy it. We're at the part of the series where books tend to be much thicker to allow the movies to be perfectly adapted. Goblet of Fire did it's best, and is still a decent movie. But like I said, the book is superior. We've entered the era of post Columbus & Williams, but that doesn't mean cast & crew faltered. We still had David Heyman, Stuart Craig, and Steve Kloves at the helm. Mike Newell and Patrick Doyle did okay as Director and Composer. As for cast, all the actors portraying those from Durmstrang & Beaxubatons were good,...