Labyrinth (1986)
"Sixteen-year-old Sarah is given thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue her baby brother Toby when her wish for him to be taken away is granted by the Goblin King Jareth." - IMDB First of all, it’s very sad to me that this film did poorly in box office given how much effort and detail went into the puppetry and set design. Jim Henson did it like no other, and his legacy continues to be felt as the Muppets and Sesame Street continue to be relevant 30 years after his death. This was also a Lucasfilm production, with George Lucas himself involved in production right after the unbeatable success of his Star Wars trilogy and Indian Jones films. This movie was set up to be good, and almost 40 years later... yeah, it still holds up. And the concept itself is fascinating. I see the hard work that went into this project and the number of people that worked hard to make it all possible. From a film making stand point, it should definitely be appreciated more. The story is ver...