Hannibal (2013-2015)
"Explores the early relationship between renowned psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter and a young FBI criminal profiler who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers." - IMDB I’ve seen Silence of the Lambs several times. It’s definitely one of my favorite films, at least top 100. Hannibal Lecter is an interesting character, and as a Mads Mikkelsen fan, I just couldn’t pass on the opportunity to watch this show. Spoiler Alert. Season 1 Starting with season 1 – While the show is called Hannibal, this show is more about Will Graham’s relationship with Hannibal more than anything else. Hannibal actually acts as a side character, at least at first, which is really genius. In fact it takes a very long time to actually see Hannibal attack or kill anyone, though we know what he’s up to. The show didn’t waste time in letting Hannibal pull a Mrs. Lovette to feed Will his “special sausage” with some breakfast egg scramble. That’s it, that’s the series. Hannibal making friends...