The Harry Potter Experience

With all movies covered on my blog, I thought I'd give a deep dive into the Wizarding World and share my passion on the franchise that means the most to me.

The Books

“Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.”

I have read the books 3 times in full and have spent months considering a 4th read through now that Hogwarts Legacy has helped me memorize the Hogwarts map lol. While the movies do a decent job telling the bigger picture, the books hold all the little moments that immersed us more than the movies ever could. I really don't know how to articulate how magical reading the series is, especially if it's your first time. Nights in the common room, visits to Hagrid's, summers at the Burrow, the Quidditch World Cup, the entire Crouch family history, Voldemort's full history, Peeves, and so much more is in store if read the books.

The Movies  

What else can I say that I haven't said already. Are they perfect? No. Do I still have an annual Pottermas marathon every Christmas holiday? Yes. Do the films still make me cry? Yes. You can read all my reviews of all films below. But the movies do the job and I will never get tired of them.

Sorcerer's Stone

Chamber of Secrets

Prisoner of Azkaban

Goblet of Fire

Order of the Phoenix

Half-Blood Prince

the Deathly Hallows

The Cursed Child

It's not cannon. I don't care what anyone says. Scorpius is the one redeeming quality but that's it. I'm sure it's a cool play to see live but the story is a fanfiction and nothing more. The world would be a better place if we all acknowledged that Voldemort and Bellatrix did not have a love child. Because if they did, that leaves an image in our head that no one wants to see.

Fantastic Beasts

Something went wrong.... But there was so much they did right.

Instead of ranting about the obvious controversies, I need to talk about Newt Scamander. You know how some people say Harry Potter is for children? Well whatever chance I had of growing out of the Wizarding World died when Newt Scamander arrived in New York City with his suitcase of Fantastic Beasts.

The first film was announced in 2013. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The original post that announced this shook me to my core. I physically felt my life change forever. Then Eddie Redmayne was announced to be Newt !!!!! I was already a fan of his, so this made me giddy af.

Cut to 2016 - being a Harry Potter fan had literally become my personality at the point. My college hosted daily events the week of the film premiere - attending an event would mean a free ticket to opening night. I literally cried on 12 different occasions through the film. I counted. My would be best friend found me during the credits sobbing. I showed up 90 minutes early in full cosplay..... It was a night.

I ended up seeing Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them 5 times in theaters - twice with free movie tickets I won somehow. Newt / Eddie is my ultimate Hufflepuff hero. The Hufflepuff I needed and wanted and fell in love with. Johnny Depp became a wielder of the Elder Wand. Newtina..... don't get me started... This movie captured the magical essence of the Wizarding World probably more than any other film in the franchise. It made me unbelievably happy and was everything I could've hoped for.

Crimes of Grindelwald was not that bad of a sequel. It lost much of the charm the first film captured, but where it lacked in charm, there was NEWTINA. The highlight of the film. That whole salamander eyes conversation.... makes me physically weak. Now if you read the original Harry Potter books, you may notice that there are several chapters through the series purely dedicated to lore. That works for books, but the way JKR wrote scenes in this move as if she was writing those lore chapters - she definitely lost some of the audience from this.

I was fine with it - I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan after all. I'm very conditioned for piles of lore delivered all at once. But I was able to see past all that as i fangirled over Newt, cried over him and Tina, watched Johnny Depp's terrifying performance, and be awed by the Protego Diabolica climax.

Looking back on my Secrets of Dumbledore first impressions, many of my opinions still stand. After dwelling on it for the last couple years - it's not the Johnny-Mads replacement or flawed plot that makes me dislike the movie... IT'S THE LACK OF NEWTINA CONTENT. I'd like the movie so much better if Bunty scenes were replaced by Tina scenes. I really should break down how her absence literally ruined like 60% of the film. I actually liked Mads as Hannibal I mean Grindelwald. I loved Johnny in the role but dare I say Mads was the better portrayal.

I feel like I've rambled enough about this trilogy that was supposed to be a series of 5. I will say one thing though: after the first magical film, the rest should have been a series on HBO. If you read the scripts, there is just so much that happens between films and 2 hours is not enough time to flesh out the stories JKR was trying to tell. The series had potential and now I worry we may never see the true conclusion of Newt's story or the final battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Hogwarts Legacy

Please check out my blog for my full opinion on the game.

Wow. The developers did something right. While it's not the perfect game - my only hope was that Hogwarts was amazing and it was - so this game met my expectations and then some. I've given grand tours of the castle to several of my friends. Playing the game makes me want to read the books or watch the movies again. I am in love with Sebastian Sallow and can totally fix him....... Anyways, one of my favorite games of all time. I have beaten the game with every House. I've memorized the Hogwarts map. I have every every baby beast I could want. Hundreds of hours into this game, it's truly a magical experience. 

The Controversy

Now... These days you cannot be a Potter fan without acknowledging the Controversy that is JK Rowling's Twitter. I accept that Rowling has and continues to use her twitter to spread her opinions in such an unnecessary degree, whether you agree or not. Like just shut up already.

What I don't accept is how toxic people have become from both sides. Obviously, no need to describe the transphobic community & how they share their opinions. But the Trans communities - mostly seemingly the allies - are just as bad.

I'm against discrimination of any kind, but also, at the end of the day....


I've had some nasty conversations, both in defense of trans people and in defense for myself for still being a Potter fan. But after a few years I've realized I don't care anymore. About anything. Cancel culture is toxic af on all sides in any situation. Literally every single one of my most deeply beloved franchises has now been tangled in controversy as every comment section is filled with the word "boycott." Between all the politics and wars and toxic people on the internet - I just don't care enough about humanity anymore to give stock into any boycott against the entertainment industry. I'm here to be entertained, not to take a political stance. I could register to vote in our "democracy" if I wanted to do that.

I'm sorry if the magic has been lost for you because of one single person. I am obviously not one of those people. "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times when one only remembers to turn on the light." I've definitely found ways to find that happiness between all the drama in the real world. Hogwarts has always been my greatest escapism & continues to be so despite everything.

Being a Harry Potter fan has been such a core personality trait of mine for 15 years. That will not change because of a series of post or actions by the creator.

The Fandom

If there is one thing more magical than the Wizarding World itself, it's the fandom. In my vast experience, Potter fans are amongst the greatest people I've ever met in my personal life and online. I have literally found a couple of my closest friends of all time because of this franchise and we have totally bonded over a Wizarding World day at Universal Studios Orlando.

Even amongst all the controversies, we the fans have been proof that the Wizarding World is so much more than JKR. We make the magic. It was a group of fans that made the movies and video games. We're the ones that show up to the cons and buy the merch. Fans made Potter Puppet Pals - the greatest contribution to society I've ever seen.

Ya'all the fandom on tik tok / instagram...... Nothing makes me laugh more than watching funny Potter reels on the internet. I have literally scrolled instagram for hours watching people do sexy dances in Voldemort cosplay or make funny crossover memes making fun of the story & characters. Potter tik tok is my sense of humor tbh.

But between the laughs and the tears, I've always felt a sense of togetherness and acceptance from fans  unmatched by any other fandom I've ever been a part of. 

Despite everything, the story of Harry Potter always held a safe space for the outcasts of the world. The main trio consisting of an unwanted orphan, muggle born facing racism, and a poor boy with low status in society. Neville - a loser kid who grows up to an absolute beast. Luna - the freak who finds a home with the friends she found. Remus - the literal lone wolf who found a family. So many other great examples. But all fans can easily relate to any character for very similar reasons and I think between that and our love for the franchise, that's why fans get along so well.

I could go on, but the fanbase is really the icing on this many layered cake. The fans pull everything together for me and I'm so happy to a part of the community. 

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