Soul (2020)
"Joe Gardner is a middle school music teacher. Pursuing his dreams of playing with great jazz musicians in his time outside of teaching. In the pursuit of his dream, he stumbles into a new world. Where he helps his mentor realize their true passion and spark." - IMDB Synopsis The Style of animation in the real world is the Pixar style that we're used to seeing with great details to facial expressions and textures. But the art style we see in the Great Before is totally different and unique. The Jerry(s) with their abstract design and movements matches with both the jazz music theme of the film as well as the abstract concept of the Great Before. The Souls designs are reminiscent of the emotions from Inside Out, with beautiful particle effects only seen in close detail. The world design of these mystical spiritual realms that Joe travels around to are beautiful and wonderous to look at. The soundtrack for all the theoretical construct realms helped give the abstract mystic...