Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995-96)

"A teenage boy finds himself recruited as a member of an elite team of pilots by his father."

- IMDB Synopsis

I have some mixed feelings about this anime. For example, I watched Fullmetal Alchemist & Code Geass because of their reputations of being amongst the best anime of all time. I ended up falling in love with both right from the start and they are amongst my favorites. I came into Evangelion expecting a similar reaction, and whilst I see why Evangelion earned it's GOAT status..... it just doesn't hit me the same. So lets get right into it!

The premise of the story and the lore of the world was quite interesting. The idea of the 2nd Impact was fascinating and implemented well to the physical climate  of this post apocalyptical world. I was extremely confused about the Angels and the Evas, because I just couldn't understand what they were. This kept me drawn to the every episode as I wanted to learn more. 

The first third was slightly slow to start and we were just kind of thrown in to this complex world with a vague background and had to find out things as we went along. This isn't a bad thing, it just seemed a lot at once given the story and world building. And since I wasn't understanding the concept of the Angels, I didn't fully comprehend what was at stake. I depended on the reaction of the characters to feel the anxiety and intensity of big moments.

By the half way point of the anime I was really starting to get attached to the characters and was really starting to enjoy my time. Different layers of the characters were being explored and they became more interesting than before, so I was anticipating how they'd evolve. 

By the last third, the story and pacing was picking up and I was getting hooked. It was intense, the fights kept getting better, and things seemed to build up to this epic climax.... which we'll get back to later. I loved episodes 21-23 as they were the episodes I was yearning for. These episodes focused heavily on Asuka, Rei, and all the key figures of Nerv. Lore was pouring in and sucked in every bit of it. The overall conspiracy was also revealed and I got even more excited to see how the story would end.

Then... the last two episodes happened. To put it lightly, it was very anticlimactic, unsatisfying, and inconclusive. That doesn't mean it wasn't a piece of art, which it certainly was. I understand the purpose now, but watching for the first time, I was highly disappointed that the Finale episodes were some weird psychedelics psychotic breakdown. It just didn't sit well with me.

I do want to talk about Shinji for a moment as I thought he was a spectacular protagonist. He was a hero. He put himself through a lot of pain and misery to help save the world, as did Asuka and Rei. It really takes a toll on them by the end of course. His backstory and drive was well written. I just loved Shinji as a character. He was sweet, hopeful, and tried to be a friend to everyone. Also his experience with Kaworu implies that Shinji might be gay, or bisexual at least. It was only explored one episode so it's hard to tell, but it's definitely implied. 

I loved Shinji, and I loved his different relationships with Asuka, Rei, and Misato. And speaking of the powerful ladies, Evangelion really succeeds in presenting powerful bad ass female characters. What was great about Asuka, Rei, and Misato was that they were so different from each other in personality and back story. The backstories themselves were complicated and interesting and added so many layers and dimensions to these characters. The diversity with all the characters overall was well done. I can honestly write an essay about how much I love the Evangelion characters because they were for sure the highlight of this experience for me.

Now something I wish I knew before was the importance of End of Evangelion. I review it below, and no matter how I feel, I believe that it's necessary to see. If you're watching this anime for the first time, make sure you add this to the marathon list.

My Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

End of Evangelion (1997)

"Concurrent theatrical ending of the TV series Neon Genesis Evangelion."

- IMDB Synopsis

The beginning was very somber as the episode continues after what I believe is episode 24. At this point, all the trauma that the characters have experienced are draining them, and as a viewer you can feel the weight of their emotions. The energy shifts as Nerv is invaded - the beginning of the end. Of course I expected for our heroes to win, to end the invasion, and reject Seele's plans. (This didn't happen of course, we got a very bold conclusion instead.) The first half of the End was so intense and is well paced as it truly seemed like the end of our favorite characters.

Probably one of my favorite moments of my entire Evangelion experience was Asuka's final stand. She dedicated her whole life to prove herself to receive the attention and praise she deeply desired. She was in the shadow of Rei and Shinji so long, she felt like a failure and just gave up. But this redemption, so to speak, was a very empowering fight of a determined girl who wanted to live. It was epic and emotional.

Now the second half..... I'm so tired of this metaphysical philosophy crap. Granted the transition between episode 24 to episodes 25 and 26 made a bit more sense now. And I understand what this sequence meant for the story and world. I get all that now. 

But when it comes to philosophical concepts, I prefer a balance. Rather than being shoved down my throat, I want deep meaning hidden between the lines. This balance should make it so that a casual viewer could enjoy it, while also giving hidden meanings for fans to spend time theorizing, analyzing, and discussing with fans on the internet. As a big fan, reading theories and explanations should be fun, where as casual fans rely on these explanations to actually understand to begin with. This imbalance ruined the experience for me and I was honestly glad to be done with it.

Just because it's not my cup of tea, I can spot a work of art when I see one. The animation was beautiful, and the whole concept, as much as I don't vibe with it, is so unique and interesting. I appreciate this series for what it is. Though I will never watch it again, it's an anime every weeb should watch at least once. It's an unforgettable experience, that's for sure.

My Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆