The Color Purple (1985)
"A black Southern woman struggles to find her identity after suffering abuse from her father and others over four decades." - IMDB Synopsis Stephen Spielberg is objectively one of the greatest film makers of all time. With pop culture classics like Indiana Jones and ET, to beautiful and powerful drama pieces like Schindler's List. This is a man who knows how to make a movie, and the Color Purple is "one more chalk on his board," or whatever the saying is. It's a film with a heartwarming story, amazing acting, and excellent cinematography. I watched it once, and it immediately became one of my favorite films of all time. The Color Purple was a story of sisterhood, and the actual color purple was a symbol of that. We meet our main character, Celie, playing in a field of purple flowers with her sister Nettie. When the sisters are torn apart, the sky is filled with ominous purple clouds. Then after many years not knowing whether her sister was dead or alive, sh...