
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Color Purple (1985)

"A black Southern woman struggles to find her identity after suffering abuse from her father and others over four decades." - IMDB Synopsis Stephen Spielberg is objectively one of the greatest film makers of all time. With pop culture classics like Indiana Jones and ET, to beautiful and powerful drama pieces like Schindler's List. This is a man who knows how to make a movie, and the Color Purple is "one more chalk on his board," or whatever the saying is. It's a film with a heartwarming story, amazing acting, and excellent cinematography. I watched it once, and it immediately became one of my favorite films of all time. The Color Purple was a story of sisterhood, and the actual color purple was a symbol of that. We meet our main character, Celie, playing in a field of purple flowers with her sister Nettie. When the sisters are torn apart, the sky is filled with ominous purple clouds. Then after many years not knowing whether her sister was dead or alive, sh

My Rating System

My rating system is similar to the how I rate experiences on IMDB (films, shows, games). I created this to help you understand where my thought process might be when rating a film, if you're interested to know. My Rating: ★★★★★★★★★★ This is what I consider THE perfect experience. I enjoyed it immensely and will come back to this experience over and over again. The music, acting, writing, directing, themes, artistry, entertainment, characters, technical achievements, and overall cultural impact or nostalgic factor - these aspects of my 10 star choices are my high standard to beat.   My Rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆ An almost perfect experience. 9 stars is basically a 10 star experience, except there's something missing that I can't always put my finger on. Sometimes there's an aspect that takes away from the overall experience, even if everything else is top tier. It's still considered the best of the best in my eyes.   My Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Fantastic experiences that I highly

Final Fantasy VII: Remake (2020)

"Re-imagining of Final Fantasy VII (1997). A former soldier joins an eco-terrorist group in a mission against the electric power company he used to work for in order to protect the planet and all who reside on it." - IMDB Synopsis Final Fantasy VII: Remake was undeniably gorgeous. The new character models were stunning. The CGI graphics and the animation, also stunning. The lighting, the texture, the details - just on pointe. You can see the pores of their skin, the threads of their clothes, and the nicks on their weapons. And I don't know how else to explain it, but the design teams really put a lot of effort into the world design. Midgar felt alive and real with the design alone, and same could be said with the characters. The remake was very true to the original in a sense that it was basically the same, just a lot more in between. The opening train scene, 7th Heaven, Cloud falling on Aerith's flower bed, the Corneo experience, the sequence going up the tower when

We Bare Bears (2014-2019)

"Three bear brothers do whatever they can to be a part of human society by doing what everyone around them does." - IMDB Synopsis What really sets this animated series apart is the art style and culture influences. The art style is so simple and feels so natural in a pastel story book kind of way. This definitely feels like a Winnie the Pooh of the 21st century. And as the creator of the show, Daniel Chong, was the son of Singaporean Chinese immigrants, it's no surprise we see Asian culture influence, especially with Panda and his love of k-pop, manga, and anime. The supporting character, Chloe, is the child of two Korean immigrants, and we see them and Ice bare communicate in Korean. This show just seems so inclusive between the Asian influences and the little appearances of other US minority groups, and not only is it refreshing to see, but it's all presented so normally and casually. The bare bears themselves are a very interesting trio. They're both so differe