Breaking Bad - Season 5, Episode 14

Sometimes a show just has that one episode that stands out. That one episode that defines why the show is so great. Breaking Bad definitely has its fair share of stand out episodes. If you were to check out Breaking Bad on IMDB, there are currently 3 episodes ranked 9.9/10 stars. 2 of them being from season 5, and one of them being the one that I must talk about today - Ozymandias.

Act 1

The episode starts off with a throw back to Walt & Jesse's first ever cook together before Walt really compromised all his morality - before Heisenberg was created. The scene transitions to the current events - which happens to be the fall of Heisenberg. The episode brilliantly starts off reminding us not just how far Walt has come, but also how Jesse & Skylar were effected by Walt's actions. And now Hank is suffering those consequences in the worst way possible. 

This was another thing established all the way in the pilot. Hank is a DEA agent; there was no way Walter would've gotten away with it forever. We all knew this was coming. To make matters worse, Hank spent the whole series losing his life over catching a man that was right under his nose. Throughout the series, we saw Hank go through so much over this case. And the whole time, his biggest enemy was also one of his closest friends. This leads to this final fallout where Walter watches his brother die right before him; and there was nothing he could do. I definitely did not expect things to end like this for Hank. 

This was a devastating moment in so many ways. Walter was prepared to stand down and lose before the shoot out. But he didn't truly lose until the deafening silence that followed the sound of the gun. Hank's death meant Walter truly lost everything, and that becomes more apparent later. The man that has built an empire by talking his way out of death had nothing left to say. And of course, like what always seems to happen, he looses most of the money he's done so much for.

Walter wasn't the only one who lost that day. Jesse did as well. He was too smart for his own good, and yet again, his choices indirectly led to the deaths of others. To make it all worse, Walter revealed that he let Jane die back in season 2, revealing to Jesse just how long Walt was behind him, manipulating him. Though before, it was all for the benefit of both of them. Walt did so much to keep Jesse alive. But that all faded when when the moment he referred to Jesse as "Pinkman" rather than Jesse. Walter gave Jesse a way out, and Jesse didn't listen and was dragged to Hell (and not just his own personal mental palace either).

Act 2

With the weight of all events of the series in our chests thanks to that tense confrontation, we're all unrelieved to know that it's not over til it's over. Yes, it does get worse.

The song, Take My True Love By the Hand, that plays when Walter rolls his money through the desert does not help. The lyrics are literally representing what Walt is about to go through. Look up the lyrics, it really messes you up in the context of the show. If you were crying before, this just adds to the emotional heaviness of the episode.

This is the episode when everyone loses. Now it's Skylar & Jr. Skylar loses her husband. Jr loses the highly esteemed image of his father and is filled with disappointment and denial. RJ Mitte's performance was so heart breaking to watch. What a phenomenal actor; he did such a great job.

And it gets worse. So much worse. The White family reunite at home, and it's really the end. I cannot describe how physically tense I was during this scene as Walt reveals that Hank is dead and Skylar finally says no. My jaw dropped when Junior helped defend his mom. And then Walter says "we're family" and then Junior calls the police - you can find me with a stream of tears in this moment. Then Walt kidnaps Holly and drives away with a desperate Skylar running after them. 

What makes this moment so heartbreaking is literally everything else that has happened in this series. Walt corrupted himself for them, and now the family is broken. He has nothing left, and it all seemed for nothing. Every episode built up to this one, and I emotionally felt it all.

Final Moments

That phone call in the end is heart crushing. We see the heartless Heisenberg talking, but those close ups of Walter White showed the man behind who is full of regret and despair, but still full of love. We also see Marie lose as she realizes Hank is truly gone, and the family is forever broken.

This episode has more meaning and effect if you've followed every episode leading up to these devastating moments. But there are even scenes that can be shown out of context and still have a heavy impact to a viewer. It definitely seems like the end, but Walt "still has things to do." And this episode perfectly leads up to the the final two episodes of the series. But this was still an episode that lingered in my head days after watching it.

Check out my Breaking Bad rereview here and follow my journey as I watched the the show for the first time.