The Truman Show (1998)
"An insurance salesman discovers his whole life is actually a reality TV show." - IMDB Synopsis I don't know about you, but as a kid, I went through a phase where I thought my life was a sitcom. I'd dance while brushing my teeth, pretending that my theme song played as I got ready and I'd pretend to be on talk shows to talk about the show. Now whether I watched Truman Show or not back then, this movie reminded of me of that time in my life. It really is an interesting concept if you think about it. There's plenty of theories about us existing in a simulation, so you never know. So Truman's life is a television show and he doesn't know it. Not only is that a premise for a unique story, but it led to really interesting camera angles . There were "hidden cameras" everywhere, from cameras on the wall, the mirrors, and even buttons on clothes. What I like was that every shot with Truman was from the point of the view of the Truman Show, so we were...