Once Upon A Time - Seasons 1-3

"A young woman with a troubled past is drawn to a small town in Maine where fairy tales are to be believed."

- IMDB Synopsis

My initial viewing of the show only included seasons 1-3. I've rewatched them in preparation of continuing to seasons 4-6 (I heard enough to avoid 7 for a while). So I'm going to write this review as a 1-3 purist because I believe the first three seasons was the main story that the creators wanted to tell. While season 3 had a cliffhanger to draw into season 4, anyone can finish that 3rd season finale and feel satisfied with how it concluded and never watch again - at least that's how I felt. However I am attached to several characters and am willing to ruin their conclusive endings to see what shenanigans they go through next.

Before I do that, let me give my thoughts on the first few seasons now, rather than wait to give an entire series overview later.



While the nonlinear storytelling can be challenging to chronologically organize, it definitely pays off really well anyways. As we go between past and present, we see a lot of parallels. The dialogue in the present also has a bit of clever word play that parallels the flashback of the episode, and it's even more satisfying when Regina or Rumple are the ones behind the line. 

The first season also establishes the show's wonderful costuming and enchanted music that we hear through the series, thanks to Eduardo Castro and Mark Isham.

The characters and their fairytale counterparts are what make season 1 the most unique season of the series, and I will argue this even after I've seen all seasons. It was fun trying to see which Storybrook resident was which fairytale character. But what sets Once Upon a Time apart from other fairytale entertainment was the twists on the original stories. Some of the best twists include how Jiminy was responsible for making Geppetto an orphan and in turn became his guide and life long best friend, and how the Hatter became the Mad Hatter when Regina abandoned him in Wonderland, and how Rumpelstiltskin literally killed the Fairy Godmother and was the one who made a deal for Cinderella to go to the ball. 

However, one of THE greatest twists in the entire series has got to be Red Riding Hood. I really hope you're not reading this for spoilers. If you know, you know. I just remember how shocked I was and how cool that whole episode was. It was at that point of the season I was truly starting to get hooked.

Oh deary deary dear. I have to talk about the one, the only, the mastermind, Rumpelstiltskin. I could write a 10 page thesis as to why I love this character. What I love about him is that he's not on the good side or bad side, but on his side. Everything he's done, he's done to reunite with his son. So every scene and every moment leading up to that: Everybody. Is. Right. Where. He. Wants. Them. To. Be. Even when we see flashbacks of Rumple in later seasons when his son's storyline is over and done with, we're still reminded of how he played god for centuries just to get everyone to Storybrook.

Rumple is also the most three dimensional character in the series. While he's the evil, cynical Dark One being, he's also a very human and flawed man. I'm all for his dark side, but seeing him so vulnerable when it comes to Baelfire and Belle is so heartfelt (or heart breaking) and it makes me love him more.

My absolute favorite thing about Rumple is Robert Carlyle. Holy crapola batman, that man can act. He is the sexy, calculating Mr. Gold, and the insane, giggling imp, Rumpelstiltskin. Since his first scene, I was in love. Carlyle does a fantastic job of playing both the Dark One and the Human aspects of the character, and one look in his eyes can tell me everything I need to know about what the character is thinking and feeling. If I could give this man an Oscar for this role, I would.

Before I move on - the Jail Scene. Season 1. Episode 12. Brilliantly filmed. Brilliantly written. Brilliantly acted. Goosebumps everywhere. You just had to be there.

Speaking of that scene, I have to talk about Lana Parilla, who is my other favorite actor of the show. Rewatching the pilot I noticed more was revealed about Regina than I realized as a new viewer. When Henry comes back with Emma, we see how genuinely concerned she is that Henry was missing that whole time. Then she sees Emma and immediately switches to defensive Evil Queen mode. This little moment, thanks to Parilla, showed that the Evil Queen had a not so evil side to her that would later be explored in the season as we spend the first dozen episodes seeing her as the main villain.

The story of Snow and Charming was another highlight of the season. While their Storybrook storyline was a big struggle for both of them (and sometimes annoying), the flashbacks of them were very well written. The whole season I was dying for the curse to break so they can reunite. Their very first scene was Charming breaking the sleeping curse as it happened in the original Snow White tale. Something you probably wouldn't catch the first time is when Charming told Snow "I would always find you." That seems like a cute thing to say at the time, but that turns out to be their entire thing for the whole series. The most satisfying part of the first season finale was their true reunion after their daughter fulfilled the prophecy and broke the curse, a moment I never get tired of watching. Also Josh Dallas. Enough said.


This was the season when I started seeing a trend. No matter how good or bad the first half of the season is, the 2nd half is always better in all the epic ways. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I do believe every season is like this. This is because it's a network show trying to fill the 20+ episode standard. If that weren't the case, the concept of Snow & Emma being in the enchanted forest would've been much more fun. But honestly I found that adventure quite forgettable, although the concept of seeing the Enchanted Forest present time was interesting and added a lot to world building. 

Season 2 introduced 2 new villains - Cora & Hook. Hook is a devilishly handsome fellow that became one of my favorites instantly due to his suave personality and charming smile. How he develops in future seasons is done well too as he becomes an ally. Cora is totally opposite as she seems conniving and evil from start to finish. This is a character that hungered for royalty and power. Regina thinks that Cora was capable of loving her own daughter. I'm not even sure that's the case because she never really had time to express regret for mistreating her daughter all those years, even after she says her last words. (a satisfying death by the way, thanks to Snow)

While season 1 presented layers to Regina and Rumple (my favorites), season 2 is where the past comes full circle and we really get to explore them as more than just villains. Regina is crushed by Henry's resentment towards her and continues to make good choices for him. This season is the beginning of her journey to become good. Between her mother and her status as a villain, it's a rocky start to be sure.

Then there's good old Mr. Gold. Now that Emma broke the curse and he has Belle by his side, he's on a high and seeks out Baelfire. This was a fun arc and the highlight of the season. Emma and Neal. HA. This show and it's love of twists. Rumple's emotional journey with his two loved ones was what really had me emotionally attached to this show. And Rumple is one of my favorite fictional characters ever because with all the love in his heart, he's still the Dark One. He's not Team Hero or Team Villain. He's Team Rumple and so am I.


What a banger the season premiere was. It was fast paced and full of energy. The Charmings', Hook, and Regina - what a dysfunctional squad. Hilarious. When Rumple showed up in his leather jacket and said "I'm not dealing with this" and left them behind, ooh that was hawt. But nothing compares to later in the episode when Neal says "my father is Rumpelstiltskin" and then it immediately cuts to Rumple menacingly strutting through the jungle on the hunt to kill. The camera got three different angles of him, the music is dark, and he is not accepting mercy. I was very satisfied. 

But of course, this is Once Upon a Time. The first half of every season sucks compared to the second half. Unfortunately, the Neverland adventure was a "first half of season" journey, and what a waste too. It's so hyped up, but it just dragged on forever. Henry, just shut up and come home. 

But you know the real season starts when the mid season finale happens. Whenever there's a problem, Rumple is the guy to go to. But he is dead now. What are ya gonna do now?!? The shock value of that sacrifice was great, and the cliffhanger that follows makes you want to jump right to the next episode.

As soon as I realized this was the Wicked Witch part of the season, I was extremely excited. Everyone was in the enchanted forest for a year and came back, but how? That scene where Snow created the curse and Regina gives half her heart to Charming was powerful. Rumple is alive???? Oh, don't get me started, I have too many emotions. If you know, you know. And what does the Wicked Witch want?????? A time Heist!!!1!!! 

Okay before I continue, I just want to say Season 3 Regina is the best Regina because it's the most savage Regina so far and her one liners make me cry evetime. I quote "where you come from people bathe in the river and use pine cones for money" almost on a daily basis.

Anyways, yes. Zelena wanted a time heist. now we've seen it all. Not that she was able to go, but Emma and Hook sure did. And where do I even begin!!! How about seeing Rumpelstiltskin for the first time. Emma's face!!!!!! Honestly, after 3 seasons of being mildly annoyed by Emma, I finally enjoyed her for the first time. Seeing her parents fall in love, going to a ball with Hook, the character development from both of these experiences - this was quite the journey for this character.

Then the wedding scene happens when they return to the present. And this. This was a conclusive ending to the story. As Rumple and Belle say their vows, their vows reflect on the others - like how they find each other like Snow and Charming, how Belle helped take down Rumple's walls the way Hook did with Emma, and the hope of a villain finding happiness like Regina. This was the most beautiful, well written scene in the show. 

If the show stopped right there, it would've been the perfect ending. But alas. My girl, Elsa, is the cliff hanger. As much a love her as excited as I was in that reveal, I know she's a first half story arc, so it probably won't be good. Also this is an indication that Disney has glorified the show and probably will have more influence of the following seasons, so the showrunners will make it up as they go along. But as I've said before. I love characters, so bring it. All magic comes with a price.

My Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆