The Man in the High Castle - Seasons 1-2
"In a dystopian America dominated by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a young woman discovers a mysterious film that may hold the key to toppling the totalitarian regimes." - IMDB Season 1 The premise was the defining aspect of why I decided to watch this show - What would've happened if the Nazis & Japan won? I was not disappointed as I was introduced to this very well established fictional world based on an altered reality. The writers did their homework and made this different America come to life in such a believable way. The main plot revolves around a resistance group trying to take down the Nazi regime. The idea of the films has it's flaws & I'm not sure I like where this is going.* Juliana Crain's story of working with resistance to getting the film to the Man in the High Castle was interesting. But I didn't like how the films insinuated that this is an alternate universe tale, especially in the season's finale cliffhanger. I'm jus...