Once Upon a Time - Seasons 4-6

"A young woman with a troubled past is drawn to a small town in Maine where fairy tales are to be believed."


Season 4

Is it just me or was season 4 particularly funnier than other seasons? I swear I found myself laughing way more than I expected to.

Anyways, season 4 continues to display the writing pattern I mention in my last review. I really really love Elsa, but that whole storyline bore me whereas the 2nd half was fun & exciting. The best thing to come out of that first half was the Purge episode. There was just something so satisfying seeing the Charmings' bicker like that. Just those scenes with them & angry Regina alone were great to watch.

One of the most phenomenal scenes and moments of the season definitely has to be Belle banishing Rumple. Dang, you should already know how much I love Rumple. But Belle giving his comeuppance  was ultimately satisfying. That scene left me speechless for so many reasons, I'm not even going to start breaking down how much I love this moment and what it meant for both characters. 

But thanks to Belle's confrontation, we got what was (almost) the greatest story of the series. I say almost because in OUAT fashion everyone but Cruella got redemption of some kind. Sometimes it would just be nice to have villains to just be villains. Like Cruella, who was evil because she wanted to be. Nevertheless, Rumple going around gathering his squad was quite exciting at the time. And his return to Storybrooke did bring a smile to my face. Even when he looses he wins. I also enjoyed some of his scenes with Regina as it felt reminiscent to season 1 when they continuously challenged each other through the season. 

Zelena's big return was another big twist that I surprisingly enjoyed. I was upset because I really wished Rumple succeeded in killing her to give the closest thing to justice for Baelfire as we could, but whatever. Pushing those feelings aside, Zelena's arc in season 4 was as twisted as her arc in season 3 (maybe not as cool as a time heist). She truly is psychotic and her presence brought some extra flavor to the season. I also loved the scene when she revealed herself to Rumple. It was apparent that there were lingering effects from his imprisonment and implies that it could've been more traumatic than we saw.

As a big Fantasia fan, the whole arc relating to the author & the sorcerer's apprentice was a very intriguing tie in. The easter egg of Walt Disney being an author & Rumple using animate brooms filled my heart with joy. This was a season long build up that actually ended quite satisfyingly. That whole alternate Heroes & Villains universe was probably the coolest thing I've seen on the show. Like oh my god, when Evil Snow was revealed!!!! I was quaking. Although seeing Sir Rumple was a bit disturbing, not gonna lie......

Season 5

And now we get to Season 5... I did enjoy it but this was the season when I started to see the cracks... 

But boy oh boy did it start off with a bang. The jaw dropping cliffhanger of Emma becoming the Dark One was ingenious. I feared it would lead to a mediocre first half of the season, but no. For once, the show broke its own formula and gave us a pretty decent first half. Sure it had its flaws, but we were in Camelot. I'm sure we're all tired of the memory loss curse thing we've seen 8 times already, but writing all the ideas and events summarized on paper, the Camelot arc was extremely exciting, even if the execution wasn't perfect. (Though it led to one of the most heartbreaking mid-season finales)

While the "Dark Swan" arc was about Emma, going in depth on another Dark One actually gave insight to Rumple. Both him & Emma thought the power made them better, that they could use the evil to do good. 4 seasons in, we've already explore Rumple failing at this as he continuously did selfish things to get what he wants, but with Emma cemented as a hero, we saw there was a possibility it might actually work. And I know I'm supposed to hate Rumple for his whole plan with Hook & the Dagger, but when Emma confronts him about it, my jaw dropped and I couldn't stop smiling. Team Rumple won AGAIN.

I wanna jump to the Hadestown sequence before I highlight some character moments. But my gosh what a disappointment. This was the moment I realized "I wish the show was on netflix and had the time & budget to live to it's full potential." The concept and build up was hype, but maybe overhyped. This is also a network family show, so I don't think it was able to realistically get as dark as it should've been. They're in Hell, and all they did the majority of the time was solve the mystery as to what held people back & help them move on. Honestly it was kind of lame. I'd say the last few episodes were great as we returned to Storybrooke & saw Rumple reclaim his evil dominance, but the story was weak from start to finish. Once again they tried to shove a redemption arc at us, but it would've been nice to see the King of Hell be pure evil. 

Now to some character highlights. I enjoyed seeing another side of Emma as she was never one of my favorite characters. This was the one season I actually really liked her. We also had some more moments with the Charmings being a wholesome family. I think the show was lacking in this kind of content for a while so it was a bit nostalgic. Hook's story was also quite interesting with him being the 2nd Dark One. His relationship with Emma developed into a beautiful tragic romance and that ended up being the highlight of the season.

Speaking of family, I did support the relationship building of Zelena and Regina, specifically in that 2nd half. Regina was really able to put Zelena in her place. And they both bonded when they discovered how they once met and had a sister bond back in the day. (They seriously overdramatized Cora's redemption because I don't understand how they forgave her, I get why she was able to move on, but she did nothing. She was still a horrible person & in no way repented for what she did. Come-on, OUAT, stop it with the forced redemptions.)

I enjoyed Rumpbelle's arc this season, or most of it anyways. Seeing Rumple without magic gave some heartwarming scenes with him & Belle. It's apparent that Belle tried so hard to hold back given the mistrust & trauma, but they love each other. The Hadestown arc thew them off a bit. Belle was so savage and I loved seeing them bicker like the married couple they are. But Belle got kind of stupid toward the end and I didn't care for it.

The season finale. I have some mixed feelings. Half of me was drooling over the Land of Untold Stories. The Jekyll & Hyde scenario was an amazing twist. I was craving some interesting content like this. Then Henry came and ruined everything. He's literally so stupid. I would say season 3 I started to dislike him, now I hate him. Like shut up Henry. And Regina.... no. Has anyone played Kingdom Hearts? I love the concept of Riku still fighting for the light while also using powers of darkness. Rumple wasn't too wrong when he said it would be helpful to see the Evil Queen once in a while. Her determination to be good has held her back from getting the job done on some occasions so Rumple had a point there. Regina's character development has been phenomenal for 5 seasons. But this whole spilt situation was unnecessary and was ultimately used to give a plot to season 6.

Season 6

Okay, I'll try and keep it short & simple. Regina - not it, didn't care for her, and she's literally my favorite. Rumple & Belle.... I'll get back to you on that, but oof. Emma - not as bad as past seasons as she developed nicely in season 5, but she still had some really stupid moments that made me roll my eyes. Stop jumping to conclusions, you're literally dumb. Hyde & Jafar - they wasted two extraordinary actors and 2 extremely interesting plots in favor of dull storytelling.

I'm sure I can nitpick this season all day. Season 6 was the show's downfall, as it was already getting bad before that 7th season. Everything was beginning to feel repetitive. The pacing was awful & this was the season when I started thinking "I wish the show was on netflix & had less than 20 episodes rather than the network 20+ standard so the pacing could allow the show to live to it's full potential." 

Being honest if the season only had 12 episodes and was centered around the Black Fairy arc, I would've been extremely happy as nothing good came from the first. Well, maybe nothing. The Wish Realm episode was actually fun, as OUAT is really good at alternate reality episodes. And the twist of Snow's sleeping curse?!?!?!?!?!??!!!!!! Wow! I was miserable during the season so when this fairytale twist happened I was way too hyped. This was Once Upon a Time. This is the content I was missing.

Even with those highlights, I'm sure they could've worked the concepts into the Black Fairy arc, which wasn't as bad as I expected. I would say my biggest gripe of the story was that the show spent so much time driving Rumple & Belle apart when they could've spent that time having them heal. By the time Gideon was born, it would've been nice to see a solid relationship or something close to one. Instead you had Belle angry at Rumple for literally no reason, so not only was Rumple loosing which I didn't like, but now we gotta deal with a stupid Belle. It was not fun.

The idea of Rumple being the son of the Black Fairy was a good twist along with him almost being a Savior (omg). Gideon being kidnapped & raised by the fairy was another intriguing aspect to the story. We didn't have too much time exploring his trauma given that the fairy had his heart but it was still implied that he had a rough childhood. Season 6 also gave Josh Dallas his greatest scene on the show. Most of his beautifully written scenes have been with Snow, but for once we see Charming in such a different light on his own. His whole struggle with "what if doing the right thing isn't enough" given the current circumstances of his family led to an emotional performance which surprised me mostly because I wasn't enjoying that episode much. But I'm glad Josh was able to have that moment.

I have two words for you - Musial Episode. And don't be daft, of course I know the lyrics to the songs.

The season 6 finale was almost the perfect ending. Rumple got his true redemption and was a real hero for once and ended up with his family by his side. Emma also won the day and can now be properly happily married with Hook. Everything just felt so resolved and conclusive. The way everyone sat around for the "final supper" was absolutely wholesome and cemented how they all became family during their journey. There's a moment when Rumple & Belle come in with Gideon and Regina is so happy to see them. You can catch a few looks from Regina to Rumple as she was able to share a meal with Rumple as a friend. That was the moment when season 1's villains finally earned their moment of peace, and it all just came full circle.

But of course, there is a 7th season. The forced moments that foreshadowed that season took away from these moments a little bit. And I already didn't care for it & wasn't interested at all. I'm just here for the OG's.

Season 7???

Okay. So if the entire main cast is leaving with the exception of a few people, there were a couple things they could've done. First of all, they could've just ended the show. Let's not drag it out and not disappoint fans by shoving people we didn't know in our faces. If I actually watch that season, the only 2 reasons would be Rumple & Regina. (never forget excellency

And I vaguely know how season 7 unfolds, and I just would've done it so differently. In the season 6 finale, you had little infants around the same age - Neal, Robin, & Gideon. That is the golden trio we will never have. They could've made up some sort of Enchanted Forest Hogwarts adventure and not only change the whole vibe of the show but also hand it over to the next generation and clean the slate for some truly excellent stories. It didn't even have to be Season 7, it could've been a whole spin off on it's own and I'd be super excited. And if this dream trio were on their own, the absence of our favorite actors wouldn't be such a disappointment, and cameos by them would be all that more hyped. 

Final (?) Thoughts

I could nit pick certain plots and episodes I didn't like all day. But the overall Once Upon a Time experience for me is overpowering. Whether it be my obsession with Rumple, my love for the other characters, interest in the story, or the whole fairytale M.O., there's so much more that I love than what I hate about this show. It's made me laugh, it's made me cry, it's left speechless and shocked and utterly freaking out. Between any of the mediocre arcs, there was some great compelling storytelling and fantastic ideas backed up with an incredible cast, a beautiful soundtrack, and stunning costuming. It's no wonder why the show sits comfortably in my Top 10 shows of all time.

My Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆