Hogwarts Legacy (2023)
"Set during the late 1800s, a newly enrolled student at Hogwarts discovers that they possess the unusual ability to perceive and master Ancient Magic, becoming the key to an old secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart." - IMDB It has occurred to me that I never made an official blog about Hogwarts Legacy. So here I am on Harry Potter's birthday sharing my thoughts about my game of the year last year. If you know me, then you know I’m purely defined as a Harry Potter fan. So Hogwarts Legacy has been my crippling sub-obsession for over a year now. I absolutely love that game and I'm here to break it down for you now! The Bad There are a lot of people with valid criticisms of this game. Yeah, it’s not perfect. It has it’s flaws from really minor ones to major ones. But my list is not that big compared to others. However, I agree with pretty much everybody by saying broom mechanics..... not it. I forgot what I had to do to make it bearable, I definitel...