Hozuki's Coolheadedness

"The dark comedy revolves around the fierce god aide to the Great King Yama, Hoozuki. Calm and super-sadistic, he tries to resolve problems that often occur in Hell."

- IMDB Synopsis

One of the aspects that drew me to this anime was the unique art style. This was never dubbed, so as I watched I often found myself distracted by the art style, completely ignoring the subtitles, so I hardly knew what thy were saying. This didn't bother me because this anime was so lovely to look at and I was still able to tell what was going on anyways. The music was also very good. The theme songs were wacky and fun. But there was one song that played that was so serene and beautiful and I love it.

Hozuki's Coolheadedness is a show about Hell and how Hell works. There's many sequences explaining how people are sentenced to a specific dominion and receive the torture they're sentenced to. While all the characters' jobs revolve around punishing those in Hell, the mood of the series is ironically lighthearted and fun. You become attached to the unique cast of characters and feel a part of their comradery. It's a feel-good experience for sure, despite the subject matter and lore.

Speaking of lore, I love how this anime pulls from real cultural ideas of the afterlife. I didn't look it up, but I have a feeling that a lot of tales of gods and demons and whatnot were derived from actual mythologies. I was also so interested whenever the realm was explained. This is a really good anime if you're interested in this sort of thing. And overall it was a unique experience that I highly recommend.

My Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆