
Showing posts from August, 2021


Pokémon is without a doubt a huge symbol in pop culture and an icon for Japan and anime. Spilling into different mediums and experiences, Pokémon has spent decades entertaining multiple generations and is a staple in every nerd's childhood. I hear the word Pokémon and I immediately start singing the iconic theme song. The show is definitely geared toward kids, successfully enforcing values of friendship and perseverance. Every episode is usually centered around a different kind of Pokémon so we really expand our knowledge of these creatures every episode. When we're not gushing over Ash and his special Pikachu, we're being highly entertained by the blithering idiots we know as Team Rocket. I don't know what's more iconic - Katara's narration in the Last Airbender series opening, or the epic speech Team Rocket gives when they arrive on the scene to cause mischief. James is my personal favorite. I always find myself genuinely laughing at him and he's honestly

Yesterday (2019)

"A struggling musician realizes he's the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate timeline where they never existed." - IMDB Synopsis This came out shortly after Bohemian Rhapsody did and I just remember bio-pics having a little popularity by this point, with films about Elton John and Judy Garland releasing within the same couple of years. So Yesterday comes out as a celebration of the Beatles, just not the form of a bio-pic. This automatically makes it unique, not to mention the concept of the movie itself. Not that there was a logical reasoning as to why it all happens in the end, I don't think the real plot is meant to be taken seriously, and that's okay. It was just a fun movie exploring an alternate universe in which the Beatles never existed. While it is a unique take on the butterfly effect, this was first and foremost meant as a tribute to the iconic band. No one can ever deny the cultural significance these 4 Brit

Hozuki's Coolheadedness

"The dark comedy revolves around the fierce god aide to the Great King Yama, Hoozuki. Calm and super-sadistic, he tries to resolve problems that often occur in Hell." - IMDB Synopsis One of the aspects that drew me to this anime was the unique art style. This was never dubbed, so as I watched I often found myself distracted by the art style, completely ignoring the subtitles, so I hardly knew what thy were saying. This didn't bother me because this anime was so lovely to look at and I was still able to tell what was going on anyways. The music was also very good. The theme songs were wacky and fun. But there was one song that played that was so serene and beautiful and I love it. Hozuki's Coolheadedness is a show about Hell and how Hell works. There's many sequences explaining how people are sentenced to a specific dominion and receive the torture they're sentenced to. While all the characters' jobs revolve around punishing those in Hell, the mood of the

Annabelle Comes Home (2019)

"While babysitting the daughter of Ed and Lorraine Warren, a teenager and her friend unknowingly awaken an evil spirit trapped in a doll." - IMDB Synopsis So yeah. This was lame. I love the Conjuring films. But the Nun was just bad and the first two Annabelle movies were okay, but also not too good. I had low expectations for this one. I found it boring and too long; and the Daniella character and that other guy were annoying and I didn't care about them. As far as story goes, the 2nd film did a better job at telling an interesting story. When it comes to the Annabelle trilogy, I don't recommend watching them more than once. I hope the 3rd Conjuring is better, but I hear, not so much. There were a fair few jump scares, but the scare factor of this movie relied most on it's creepiness. I've seen a lot of horror movies and played a lot of scary games, so it takes a lot to scare me or make me feel uncomfortable. I wasn't scared at all during this installment.

Jungle Cruise (2021)

"Based on Disneyland's theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through a jungle filled with dangerous animals and reptiles but with a supernatural element." - IMDB Synopsis As far as "movies based on attractions" go, the only thing I could compare Jungle Cruise to is Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. And that first Pirates movie had the right cast, right story, right music, right everything. This made it so hard for Jungle Cruise to even compete. Even without comparing the two movies, Jungle Cruise on its own just doesn't stand out. However I do have to praise it for the originality and it's effort to present a new story. The costuming was well done too, the character designs of the cursed people were cool, and James Newton Howard once again presents an epic soundtrack for me to nerd over. I'll tell you, my favorite scene, hands down, was when the epic instrumental cover of Nothing Else Matters blared ove